➤ Making intuition your superpower - deeply know & trust yourself

➤ Attracting people & experiences into life by being true to you

➤ Your work-life purpose & interests

➤ Practical & research-backed ways to feel healthier & happier

➤ Appreciating & connecting to everyday beauty, joy & community

IF you're kind & curious about CONNECTING WITH YOUR feminine superpowers - for a happier, healthier LIFE & world - this is Your home to Explore:


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READ About

10 facts about Jessica Warren:
⭐ Originally from London & spends time in Los Angeles and Ibiza. 
⭐ Investor in health and wellness consumer goods and tech.
⭐ "Freedom From the Known" by J. Krishnamurti is her favourite book.
⭐ Published her first personal development article in 2018.
⭐ Studying for a Masters in Psychology MSc.
⭐ Qualified as a Chartered Accountant & worked in Corporate Finance.
⭐ Has a Biology BSc degree and grew up in a family of doctors.
⭐ Photography was her first job - loves noticing the beauty around us.
⭐ Cannot believe dogs are real, animal obsessed and has a yorkiepoo.
⭐ Certified as a meditation teacher, life coach and energy healer.


10 Quick facts

Read the Blog

What helps us live healthier and happier lives? Read the latest research & experience-based articles here, on topics that may change the way you look at life. You'll find deep-dive, practical posts on areas like finding someone you want to date, masculine and feminine energy and making intuition your superpower.
Inspired by years of coaching and therapy, reading 250+ personal development books, a Biology degree, months of wellness courses & of course, life!


Blog Posts


Communitas Collective is a supportive group of kind, successful private business founders based in London and surrounding area. For inspiring entrepreneurs leading with heart.
We believe we're stronger in community; there's value in vulnerability; and that the best connections come from the heart.
We run regular London-based events and online groups to celebrate our wins and give and find support. Want to know more? Click the link below.


Communitas Collectiove


Supporting businesses that are useful for the future of human progress & beneficial to the planet. Revenue-generating companies with a strong team, market potential and class-leading products are considered.
Advisory support & network connections made where possible.
My experience includes nine years of angel investing, previously working in corporate finance, qualifying as a chartered accountant and running an angel investor network. Portfolio companies in health, wellness & sustainability include SoulFruit, NOLO, WAVi, Cheeky Panda & Whoop. If this sounds like your business or fund portfolio, Contact Me below.

supporting under-represented, world-improving founders 

Angel  Investment Advisory

READ the blog

What helps us live healthier and happier lives? Read the latest research & experience-based articles here, on topics that may change the way you look at life. You'll find deep-dive, practical posts on areas like finding someone you want to date, masculine and feminine energy and making intuition your superpower.
Inspired by years of coaching and therapy, reading 250+ personal development books, a Biology degree, months of personal growth courses and, of course, living a full life!

Nurturing, Practical articles for your heart & your mind


Jessica is a truly gifted healer. Her wealth of experience has enabled her to evolve into a true empath with the ability to connect with others on a deeply spiritual level. I'd strongly recommend her for her incredible energy, her ability to connect with others and her abundant wisdom pertaining to holistic health.

Jess was an absolute pleasure to work with! During mental health week, my colleagues and I put an event together themed around 'Kindness' - being kind to yourself and your mental health. Jess was a speaker at the event and shared really helpful resources. Her knowledge on the subject matter was obvious - real gems that attendees took on and implemented in their everyday lives, this was validated by the feedback we got from attendees.


Jess has been instrumental in my personal development and growth. She blends quantitative and qualitative skills, bringing a deep understanding of how business from her time in finance, which gave her empathy for the challenges I faced during the most intense periods of work in my career after selling my company to Google. From here, she brought rigor and process into the 'soft' work of personal development. Working with Jess unlocked a greater sense of calm, and a better understanding of my emotional landscape.

Tobi Akingbade, PwC



Jessica appeared as a guest on my business show...We covered the importance of mental well being and mindfulness as people relate to work and life...providing very insightful perspectives...she dealt with queries in an excellent, natural way. I found Jessica through reading an excellent article she had written in the Chartered Accountants' magazine, Economia. Jessica makes these important issues easily understandable and offers effective, easy to implement solutions.

Brittany Hernandez, Attorney

Jess is truly incredible and exactly the person I needed to help guide me at a crucial juncture in my life. What makes Jess unique is her ability to lovingly direct and challenge you and help you view the things that are blocking your way forward from a different perspective. She helps you realize that you’ve been telling yourself the same old stories for years and that they are no longer serving your best interests.

She recommends exercises that are completely tailored to your situation, personality and goals - a result of her thoughtful attention to detail and finely tuned intuition. Her wisdom astounds me and is so inspiring. She has become a trusted friend and I am so grateful to her for helping me gain clarity about who I am, what I am looking for, and how I can go about aligning my actions with my goals and vision of my future partner.

After Jess helped me get clear about what I was really looking for in a partner, I started to believe that someone could match me and my desires truly exists in the world. After taking the necessary practical real-world steps to start dating again, I met my soulmate less than 2 months after our first coaching session! Meeting my life partner felt like pure magic and I am still in disbelief at how well we fit together and how much our intentions, timelines, and desires to build a family align. What Jess did for me was facilitate a process of self-evaluation and discovery that I’ve come to see as essential when seeking a life partner. She has also provided a means of accountability and has been a source of support, encouragement, wisdom, and helpful and practical resources. I can see that she will be able to help so many people due to her attention to detail and graceful way of giving suggestions with love, warmth, and confidence.

Sarah mitchel, Founder of skimi

Having Jess as my mentor has been an uplifting and empowering experience, both personally and at work. She's so lovely and authentic, so working together has been fun and extremely rewarding. She has amazing knowledge and experience to share, so it's been something I've found a lot of growth from in many ways. Jess has a really organic way of working to help you see things or approach situations with a new perspective. She's definitely helped me flip some negative mindsets that were holding me back, and turn them into positive ones through insightful guidance and the enlightening conversations we've had.

When I first started the mentorship, I was feeling a bit stuck and that I had a few areas to work on to improve my self confidence personally and at work. We've also been exploring how to set better boundaries and the steps needed to transform the relationship I have with myself and other people. Jess helped me set goals in all of these areas and has shared amazingly helpful books to read and suggested some great tools and techniques to use in the process. I've also found her articles hugely relatable and helpful to read alongside the work we've been doing together. Overall I feel like I've made quite huge shifts in my mindset in a short period of time and I'm really grateful and feel really lucky to have had this experience and have her as a mentor.

Kind  Words


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